Henry Toner K.C. Panellist

Henry Toner K.C.

Qualifications and Experience

Henry Toner K.C. is acknowledged as one of the leading family lawyers in Northern Ireland. Skilled in handling complex financial, property and child custody disputes, he has a wide and continuing practice in all aspects of family law at all Court levels. His practice also includes commercial, company and inheritance disputes.

He obtained his law degree in 1975, was called to the bar in 1976, and became a K.C. in 1999. He is a Bencher of the N. Ireland Inn of Court, has twice been Chair of the Family Bar Association and has an active involvement in the provision of continuing professional development for family lawyers.

Mediation Experience

Henry completed the Queen’s University Mediation Training Course and quickly developed a reputation for bringing a calm and practical approach that facilitates resolution of even the most acrimonious disputes. His skills include the ability to combine incisive legal and factual analysis with fairness and compassion for all parties.


Henry’s primary interests and activities outside practice are hill-walking, opera, and physics and, as befits a man for all seasons, he also maintains an interest in both contemporary and traditional Irish dance.