by Martin Blake | Jul 14, 2017 | Articles
It is essential that the party representative has reliable information about the legal costs (fees and expenses) incurred to date and the costs likely to be incurred if the case does not settle. These costs are an important part of the settlement equation and must be...
by Kathy Sinclair | Jul 14, 2017 | Articles
A mediation is unlikely to be successful unless those with the right and the power to make a settlement are present. This means that the plaintiff and the defendant must be present. If either party is an entity, an authorised representative must be present. Sometimes,...
by Kathy Sinclair | Jul 14, 2017 | Articles
A good mediation brief should be a reasoned statement of the party’s case, backed up by reference to facts, witnesses, documents or any other forms of evidence as well as, where appropriate, a discussion of applicable law. Writing a good mediation brief is an advocacy...
by Kathy Sinclair | Jul 14, 2017 | Articles
Good written and oral advocacy skills help the mediation process to work successfully. Having skillful lawyers involved in the mediation process helps mediators get cases resolved. Lay clients involved in mediation can also benefit from these skills. I am going to...